Fortunately ALL THE THINGS are fun. Here's our weekend in pictures.
This kid loves watermelon that much. I've learned that I need to make him go shirtless. You guys, watermelon leaves stains. I found that one out the hard way.
Treat yo'self @ #katespade
We took the boys to the Ramsey County Fair. Smart move on our part. Now we can skip the state fair 'cause, well, they won't know the difference. Mac said this- the "steering wheel" was his favorite ride.
Umm for the record- my figurative heart wanted the sampler bucket of curds. My literal heart said for the love of Pete don't clog me up with that.
My husband went on this ride. He is more of a man than I am.
This kid- you guys- he kept steering a hand-over-hand left turn THE ENTIRE RIDE. Good thing he takes his driving seriously. You got only 13 years to practice, little dude.
"Hey! I see her udders!"
Ugh, I definitely should've thrown at least half of this away without him looking. Kid had waaaaay too much sugar and blue #4.
Ok so maybe I did as well.
Sunday best? More like Sunday good-enough.
Sunday afternoon homemade slip and slide. With our yard biffy in the background. We are those classy neighbors.
Treated myself with some homemade strawberry frosé.
Backtracking to Friday night's dinner- I needed something quick, meatless, and easy. Though don't "quick" and "easy" kind of fall in the same category? In any case, enter spinach and black bean quesadillas!
I had about 2 cups fresh spinach on hand so I just tossed that in a pan with 1/2 inch water boiling water on high heat for a minute, then let cool/dry on a towel. You could easily use frozen spinach, but my method was faster than thawing.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray one side only of 12 whole wheat tortillas with butter (or other) flavor nonstick cooking spray. Spread beans out evenly among tortillas (I had two sheet pans going).
A shprinkle of this adds a nice kick.
Layer cheese on top- I had an 8 oz block of Monterey Jack that I grated up. Top with remaining six tortillas, spray with additional baking spray.
Bake at 400 for 5-8 minutes, then flip and bake for another few minutes. Serve with salsa or a nice big blob of plain Greek yogurt. So good! So easy! Would've paired well with that frosé.
Per whole quesadilla- 400 calories (without yogurt).
Hope you all had a lovely summer filled with LOTS OF THINGS.
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