Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The dietitian wish list

I have to say, I've been pretty good this year.  I've been able to avoid the post-wedding weight gain (*knocking on wood furiously*).  My house is 6-months pop-free, and I've been eating my fruits and veggies daily.  That deserves a payout from Santa, right?

I am largely content with everything in my kitchen, but it's still fun to dream...and not just about an item, but the storage space in which to put that item as well.  Here's my list.  Hope someone's taking a look, checking it twice, get the idea. 

1. Kitchen Aid stand mixer
I'm a little greedy on this one, I'll admit, as I already have a stand mixer.  But mine is plain ol' white.  And it's on loan from my mom, so it's not even really mine.  I know!  So it's practically a necessity that I get this super fun hot pink one from Williams Sonoma.  I ask myself: WWBW?  (What would Barbie want?).  And there you have item #1. 

2. Williams-Sonoma cupcake stencils.
These would be cute for dusting powdered sugar or sprinkles on top of cupcakes and cookies.  They would make good stencils for piping frosting as well.   

3. "Farmer's Market basket" at Anthropologie
It's a stoneware dish similar to the cardboard baskets used at farmer's markets.  Definitely cute enough for a tabletop decoration, or to keep your freshly washed berries in (just set it on a paper towel in the fridge).

4. "Peas and Thank You" cookbook
I've been following Sarah Matheny's blog for a few months and she writes her recipes with wit and humor I envy.  I'm no vegetarian, but it's good to have a stockpile of meatless recipes.  I make her pumpkin molasses cookies almost weekly.

5. OXO pastry scraper/cutter
A few weeks ago I went to a baking class and the instructor used this 178 times throughout the various recipes.  It's great for when you roll out dough and need to then peel it away from the surface.  You could also use it for slicing & chopping.  It doesn't hurt that it looks like something a ninja would use either. 

6. The last item on my list would be monogrammed kitchen towels.  Reason #421 (low on the list) that I married my husband: last name starts with S, which lends itself well to a pretty scroll-y monogram.  

So there you have it.  Maybe if I leave out hummus and carrots, Santa'll be extra nice. 

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