Friday, June 15, 2012

Fun at the Dollar Tree

I often view money as the same way I view calories.  I have a budget with both, and exceeding either budget has negative consequences.  With my calorie budget, I try to pack in as many foods as I can, rather than blowing it all on a few high-cal items.  Similarly, give me $20 to spend at Target, and I'll see you at the dollar bins.  I make no promises about getting value- just simply amounts.

Last night my husband and I took a walk and checked out our neighborhood dollar store (deduce what you will about our neighborhood).  Here's our haul:
Knock-off oatmeal cream pies.  No food worked as a bribe quite like Little Debbie, at least when I was a kid.  Dog toy, mints, sugar-free Hawaiian Punch, and a metallic comb.  As a child of the 80s, I appreciate the ombre neon. 

Here's how the loot has fared, less than 24 hours later:

I'm almost afraid to drink it.  Nothing in nature is putrid green like this.  Punchy and his antics were awesome in the 90's, but I might have to pitch this.

The most practical purchase was the first to break.  I can assure you that I don't have dreadlocks, so what's the deal? 

Here's a fun puzzle- see if you can identify this food by its list of ingredients:
-Sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup, modified corn starch, citric acid, white mineral oil, artificial flavors, red #40, and carnauba wax.

Yes, that would be three kinds of sugar, oil, and wax.  Mmm...
The ingredient list is a major turn-off. 

But hey, that's only a total of $3 wasted at Dollar Tree. 

I'll meet you at the Target dollar bins. 

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