Monday, September 26, 2011

Adventures in Deep Freezing

Another great weekend has come and gone.  My husband and I went on a 5 mile run together- the longest we've both run in over six months.  It was rough, but we finished, and now it seems like I can pick up momentum to train for the upcoming Autumn Woods 10K trail race.  We also went golfing together at a small local course.  It was really my ideal course- not a single hole over 200 yards and no bunkers or rough!

 Last week we bought a small-ish deep freezer chest from Costco.  I can tell I'm going to love it!  The upside to my Costco membership is that it's free (it pays to work next door to a Costco!).  The downside is that I feel we're not able to use 5 chicken breasts, 4 pounds of ground turkey, a 10 lb slab of ribs, etc., before they go bad.  Entrez le deep freeze.  Yesterday at Rainbow there were bags of steam fresh veggies on sale for $1.  I was able to grab an armload of 'em.

Here's a picture of a major pudding fail.  I attempted to make a slow-cooker rice pudding recipe, but I swapped out brown rice for the recommended white rice.  It was cooking way too slowly (yes, even for the slow cooker) so I moved it to the stovetop and subsequently got distracted.  The smoke alarm going off sent me running back to the kitchen to see a big boiling-over mess.  Here's a pic of the lovely crust-ring I've been working on.  That's my husband carefully chiseling away with a knife.

On a happy cooking note, here is my super easy, super cheap recipe for goulash, which I made last night and just enjoyed as leftovers for my lunch.

-1 box elbow macaroni (I like Ronzoni with the added fiber and omega-3s)
-1 pound 93% lean ground turkey
-1 can diced tomatoes + onion
-1 can tomato sauce (not marinara- just plain canned)

-Thoroughly cook the ground turkey and blot out liquid grease with a paper towel.  Add can of tomatoes and tomato sauce, season with a bit of salt and pepper, and let simmer.
-Meanwhile cook the pasta until done, then spoon the sauce over the noodles.  So easy!

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