Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fitness Follow Up

Gah, all of the sudden summer feels like it's nearly over. At least I can check off ONE GIANT KID BUCKET LIST item off my list- we did a lemonade stand!

It was my four year old's idea and as you can see by the photos, I *may* have slightly hijacked helped.

Fresh squeezed baby!

As Gonzo said in A Muppet Christmas Carol- "I'm creating scarcity! Drives the prices up!"

Definitely not each other's mirror image.

Lemonade and sugar cookies aside, I've been at my post-baby "easy" fitness routine for over a month now. Time for an update. The results?

Well, not dramatic, but there IS improvement in muscle tone and I'm feeling really good about it. To me feeling good is worth the routine alone. I have to remind myself that no one gets six pack abs 1. three months after having twins, and 2. from doing 5 minutes worth of exercise. Ha. 

I'm pretty solid in my morning habit now- I make the bed (embarrassing to say that I NEVER did this when I was working), do my exercises, then go have a breakfast cookie and check the news in peace before the kids wake up.

That being said, I do want to switch things up. Sorry not sorry those burpees are no longer on my list. Here's the new plan for the next 4-6ish weeks:

Plyo jumps will replace the burpees- I have a super sturdy bench in my bedroom and will jump onto that from the floor. "TNTs" are "toned by tonight"- it's an ab exercise I learned from my friend Erin back in college. You lie on your back and extend your right arm above your head while also extending your right leg to the ground. Pull both back up and switch to your left side. Great for targeting lower abs without putting strain on your lower back. 

The plank, while hard, has been really good for helping my super weak post-baby core muscles. When I first started I could barely hold 30 seconds. Now I'm up to doing about a minute and 15 seconds at a time. 

As long as I keep feeling mentally great about this, it's worth doing! The accountability I'm putting out there doesn't hurt either, heh heh. 

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