We’ve been renovating our kitchen for oh, 12 months. Which ultimately is fine, buuuuuut, it’s starting to get old.
Who’s fault is this?
Pretty much just mine, since it was me who decided “oh redoing our cabinets won’t be that much work.”
I am one piece of sandpaper away from throwing in the towel. There’s a reason why people pay others to do cabinetry.
Here is a little update into my life as of late.
Baby is full on eating solids, and eating like a champ. Blueberries are his favorite. Maybe his first word will be “antioxidant!”
The fact that this is his neutral face is proof positive that he is indeed my kid.
On the plus side, redoing the cabinets has forced me to clean out the pantry. I learned that apparently I’ve been hoarding almond bark.
So much bark.
And then I even found a baggy with some extra cubes of bark. BECAUSE CLEARLY I FELT NEED TO SAVE EVEN MOOOOOOORE BAAAAAAAARK.
So for the next few weeks, the majority of my kitchen items are in the living room. I have to remind myself “it always looks worse before it looks better.”
If anyone wants to burn some calories in the form of priming and painting this weekend, come on over.
I’ll save some almond bark and blueberries for you.
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