Monday, March 5, 2012

Things married people call "fun"

I have a bit of a complex.

Both Carrie Bradshaw and Bridget Jones have well-covered the differences between "singles" and "marrieds."  You know, the whole just-because-you-get-married-doesn't-mean-you-never-see-your-friends-anymore thing.

And in fact I did view marriage as a bit of a social blockade.  Ohhh yes, you Marriage- you won't prevent me from hanging out with my single girlfriends!

But the problem is that "Dateline" on Friday nights is usually pretty good.  And my sweater booties are way more comfy than heels.  So I guess if there was a bar where Lester Holt's investigative journaling was on TV, and elastic-waist pants were the dress code, I'd be all over it.   

My husband and I do have some fun every now and then.  We're not total old farts (though, ahem, speaking of that, we've maybe become a bit too relaxed around each other).  Case in point: this past weekend, we sought to re-create one of our best dinners in Mexico.  I have an earlier post about our deep sea fishing trip where we ate one of the Mahi Mahi I caught.

Coastal Seafoods is a small chain market around here, so we picked up some swordfish (high mercury content, but it's okay to eat every now and then), and then at the Mexican market we bought achiote paste, funky black bean salsa, and fresh lemon juice.

Marcus was in charge of the grilling.  He'd paid close attention to how the cook did it in Mexico- cut slits in the fish, baste it with the achiote paste, and liberally douse it in lemon juice while on the grill.

I made sides of Spanish rice and sweet corn pudding, which is delicious but a total calorie bomb.  Good thing I've got my stretchy pants.

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