Friday, August 2, 2013

Nature's Bounty

The other night the husband and I were outside and I was admiring how lush and bountiful my li'l garden has become. 
 His response?

"Yeah, 'cause that's where I shoveled all the dog crap from the winter."

We're so suburban hipster that even our manure is local. 

Here's my haul so far:

I have a rogue squash plant growing in the row of carrots.  Whoops.  At first I thought it was a zucchini plant since the leaves are similar.  What's the deal with the short fat zucchini?

Nope- this ought to turn into a normal yellow spaghetti squash as it grows.

In other strange happenings around our house, I think one of the dogs is becoming co-dependent on an inanimate object.  Like a four year old who still runs around with a chewed up pacifier in his mouth, Shelby has taken to wearing her chewed-out ring of a frisbee around her neck at all times.

When I'm reading out on the porch:

When I'm getting ready in the morning:

When she's on her way outside:

What. Ever.  As long as she keeps contributing to the thriving garden, I'm okay with it.  But still slightly grossed out. 

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